Octopimp - 50% OFF Episode 19 - Imbecilic Determination | Octopimp

50% OFF Episode 19 - Imbecilic Determination | Octopimp

  • VISITS378
Surprise, bitch. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.

50% OFF isn't over...yet. But it's ending soon. The views are too low to keep investing time/effort in making it. We're gonna ride it to the end of season 1, and call it good. I'll make an update video explaining more soon!

Haru, Rin - http://sparkytheandroid.tumblr.com/
Makoto, Nagisa, Rei - https://twitter.com/Octopimp
K/Gou - http://arachnidsgrip.co.vu/
Miss Miho - http://azamack.tumblr.com/
Nitori - http://bunnyroid.tumblr.com/

As always 50% Off! is produced and written by Octopimp and SparkytheAndroid as a parody of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club. If you want to watch Free! head on over to: http://www.crunchyroll.com/search?q=free%21

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