Why Bullets are Good for the Environment - vlogbrothers

Why Bullets are Good for the Environment

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Why Bullets are Good for the Environment
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Check out this SUPER DOPE Wikipedia page for some really slick legislation from the 30's! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittman%E2%80%93Robertson_Federal_Aid_in_Wildlife_Restoration_Act

About halfway through making this video I was like, "Is this, like, waaaay too nerdy and wonky for the general public? Like, am I making a video right now that is literally only interesting to me and like five other people?" But even if had had time to change topics half way through I probably wouldn't have done it because IT'S MY PARTY AND I'LL TALK ABOUT OBSCURE WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT LEGISLATION FROM THE 1930'S IF I WANT TO.

ROLF is Here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/478379924/rolf-a-party-game-for-creatives-geeks-and-nerdfigh

VidCon Australia is Here: http://vidconaustralia.com/

Video of me playing ROLF is Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5ySsvWS0Uo&t=1s

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Preorder John's new book, Turtles All the Way Down, out October 10th 2017! You can find links to both the signed and unsigned editions here: http://bit.ly/turtlespreorder and information on how to (probably) get a signed copy here: http://howtoprobablygetasignedcopyofturtlesallthewaydown.com
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