? Meet My Guy!?... & other deep things! - Shanna Malcolm

? Meet My Guy!?... & other deep things!

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Shanna Malcolm

? Meet My Guy!?... & other deep things!
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I have RETURNED...for the 50th time! :/ I'll be back next wednesday.

I don't know about anyone else, but for me sometimes it's just overwhelming to exist in this world and past couple of years have been a real challenge but thankfully, that's not what today's video is going to be about. Today's video is inspired by EVERYTHING happening in the world at large, and in my world specifically. Some of which I've tried to express in a comedic manner, some of which I've just shared in an unfiltered matter, but all of it is the truth as I see it and I didn't want to continue to edit myself and prevent myself from sharing my thoughts and feelings with you who've been oh so supportive. This video should probably have been Halloween themed or where I talk about Shane Dawson or some imagined beef with a prominent YouTuber/ Kardashian instead of me talking #MeToo, Star Wars, climate change, and my love life in equal measure, but who gives a shit about being PC, certainly NOT me. All of that all I can speak to is Halloween aside this world is a scary place and give me some solace to connect with each and everyone of you about things that matter to me.

Enjoy the video, comment below and know that I love you all.

Hola my lil chickadees. Welcome back to my channel. Be sure to like, comment and of course share me with new folks.

You know you love this shit!;)
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